Superbill Explained
Superbills are a receipt of services paid for with a diagnosis, and they work for most PPO plans and some EPO plans. Since I am not in-network provider with insurance, I provide superbills for those who would like to use them. When you submit the superbill to your insurance company, they can partially reimburse service fees you have paid. The amount you get back varies and depends on your specific plan.
What is a superbill?
Please call the number on the back of your card to ask the following questions.
What is the reimbursement rate for CPT code 90834 (Psychotherapy service for 45 minutes)?
They will give you a percentage, such as 50 percent.
What are your “allowable” for CPT code 90834?
The allowable is how much your insurance has decided the service is worth to them. This will be a dollar amount.
How do I know how much my insurance will reimburse me?
Please be aware that using a superbill means that your therapy services are offered through your insurance. It means you will have a diagnosis on your insurance, which may or may not have consequences in the future for you.
Things to note about using a superbill
Superbillとは保険会社に提出される、医療サービスに対してのレシートに当たるもので、PPO(Preferred Provider Organization)プランやEPO(Exclusive Provider Organization)プラン対象の方にご利用いただけます。私は保険会社のネットワークを通してのサービスを提供していない変わりに、ご希望の方に月末にこのレシートをお送りしています。このSuperbillレシートをご自身の加入されている保険会社に提出すると、セラピーサービスのセッション料の何割かが払い戻しされます。返金額については、加入されている保険のプランによって違いが出てきますので、直接お問い合わせください。
“What is the reimbursement rate for CPT code 90834?”
CPT code 90834の払い戻し率はいくらですか?(45分間の心理セラピーサービスだと伝えてください。)何割の払い戻しがされるか教えていただけます。
What are your “allowable” for CPT code 90834?